KHT stands for Koryo (Korean) Hand Therapy, also known as Korean Hand Acupuncture. KHT was developed by Dr. TAE WOO YOO, a Korean acupuncturist, between 1971 and 1975. As the hands are considered to be a microcosm of the whole human body, KHT theorizes that bodily functions can be directly affected by stimulating precise corresponding points on the hands that correspond to the affected side of the body.
In KHT, there are 14 micromeridians and 404 acupuncture points on the hand which adjust the internal organs of the body. These acupuncture points will be stimulated by using Seoam Pellets, KHT Rings, Hand Needles, Seoam Moxa, T-Bong, E-Beam, Magnets, KHT Food Supplements, or Cyber Hand Therapy.
There are various theories, prescriptions, and methods of treatment in KHT. KHT therapy can be divided into Correspondence, 14 Micromeridians, Five Elements, and Special Points therapy. KHT diagnosis can be divided into Correspondence Points, Three Constitution, Eum (Yin) and Yang Pulse, Biorhythm Constitution, and Five Finger diagnosis.
KHT is a scientific medical theory developed through objectively and testing. It can be validated through the use of Three Constitution Therapy, 12 Front Mo Points, Eun (Yin) and Yang Pulse Method, Correspondence Therapy, and assessment of painful areas on the body. The applied therapy and treatment are determined by identifying the particular painful area of the body. Because the hands represent the human body, the effect on a disorder is very rapid and accurate, providing immediate confirmation of the therapy.
The ultimate goal of KHT is to regulate blood circulation in the brain for normalized brain functions. The brain function is the most important part of the body. It effects the circulation of the entire body, including the regulation of hormones and the autonomic nervous system, and adjustment of the immune system and enzymes. All of these are closely associated with various aspects such as cognition, decision-making, memory, behaviour, and the function of each internal organ. In other words, all diseases in the body are reflective of brain function, just as the brain problems represent a disease. Therefore, where the brain functions are balanced, most of the functions in the body are automatically self-regulated.
The hands are like a second brain. Stimulating the hands simultaneously stimulates the brain, which adjusts the autonomic nervous system and hormones to control all organs and functions in the body. Stimulation can lead to improvements in overall brain function, stronger brain development, an enhanced immune system, and increased enzyme activity. The more the hands are stimulated, the warmer the hands become. Warm hands reflect balanced blood circulation in the brain, which in turn assists in regulating normal body system functions. In healthy individuals, hands should be warm, lustrous, moist, soft, elastic, and move freely. Alternatively, the hands of people suffering from diseases are cold or hot or inflexible and have dry skin. As the disease progresses, the hands will become extremely cold.
KHT therapy is very easy to learn and safe to perform, with no side effects or danger to the patient when accurately applied. KHT contributes to the maintenance of a person's health using self-diagnosis, self-application, and self-evaluation. Beside applying KHT personally, even with a basic understanding of the theory, once learned, the application of the various therapies can be used to treat other family members' disorders.
KHT has spread nationwide throughout Korea, with approximately 160 branches and an estimated membership of about 2 million. There are also many branches in many countries worldwide. These include Japan, USA, South America, Canada, Austria, Germany, Spain, Russia, Taiwan, China, Australia, South Asia and Africa. As a consequence of KHT's international adaptation, KHT has been translated into English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Russian and Japanese with a concurrent increase in KHT Practitioners and Attendees.
Body Conditions that are treated by Korean Hand Therapy (KHT) include the following:
Colds & Flus
Digestive conditions
Sore Muscles & Joints
Circulatory conditions
Respiratory & Sinus conditions
Excretory conditions
Gynecological conditions
Metabolism (Anemia, Obesity, Goiter, Diabetes, Edema)
Ophthalmology conditions
Otorhinolarygology conditions
Dental conditions (Toothache, before or after treatment of teeth)
Nervous conditions (Bell's Palsy, Migraine, Habitual Headache, Insomnia, Lumbago)
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